Growing up, bowel movements were a popular subject in my household, my mother would always ask what they looked like, how often I had them, and other details that seemed ridiculous at the time. My first colonic was at age 14, being ingrained the importance of preventative healthcare at a young age. I remember asking my mother “how come I can’t go to the doctors, or be on medicationsâ€, only later in life, did I understand that our bodies are powerful, having full ability to heal itself with proper nutrition and care.
The average North American carries between five to fifteen pounds of old waste material in the body. When the bowel is underactive, toxic wastes are more likely to be re-absorbed through the bowel wall and into the bloodstream, and lymphatic system. As toxins accumulate in the tissues, alterations in cellular function take place. Colon hydrotherapy accelerates detoxification of the bowel, leading to cleaner blood, cleaner tissues, effectively allowing our body to rebuild.
The fact that many do not feel pain in the colon, makes us believe that there is no issue.  In fact, local symptoms of early bowel cancer can include constipation, thinner stools, feeling you cannot empty completely, and diarrhea, the exact symptoms many of us register as “normalâ€. The bowel has very few pain sensors, very few nerves that carry sensory information to the brain to be interpreted as pain. By the time a bowel problem is serious enough to cause pain, you can safely bet that there is a big problem.
Besides from being one of the main routes of toxin and waste elimination, 95% of our serotonin “the happy hormone†production lies within the colon. That’s right, that hamburger, fries and diet pepsi you had for lunch DOES affect how your body functions. The saying ‘you are what you eat’ is nothing new, in fact our colon has a direct link to our emotional state and mood. Food should pass through the body every eighteen hours. Any food that spoils, ferments, forms gas, or causes a disturbance in the bowel also affects the rest of the body.  Colon hydrotherapy effectively eliminates toxins, accumulated wastes, improves metabolism and can also be used for weight control and cellulite reduction, by affecting our lymphatic system.
Herings law of cure states that: “Healing takes place from the inside outâ€, this is something as a Naturopath I truly believe in. Treating the health of the gut is necessary in EVERY health protocol.
Dr. Lori Dickson, ND