Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women in North America, being the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of death in the age group 40-55.
Fortunately 5-year survival is about 84%, partly because it is reasonably treatable, often curable.
Risk in Asia and Africa is 4-5 x less, indicating the strong role of lifestyle choices and the opportunity for prevention.
Common Signs & Symptoms
Feeling a lump on breast self-exam
Pain in the breast or nipple
Breast skin red and dimpled
Common Naturopathic Treatment Would Focus On
Balancing hormones
Diet and lifestyle changes
Vitamin and mineral supplementation
Stress reduction
DHEA supplements (including Ashwagndha, maca root, sterols and sterolins)
A high fat, high glycemic diet
BPA, found in soft plastics such as Saran wrap, food containers and water bottles, accumulates in breast fat and is a potent xeno-estrogen
Moderate to high alcohol consumption increases risk 50 to 100%